Tuesday 21 June 2011

Body Confidence

Hey guys,

So I've been inspired to do this post since one of my friends is body conscious and I want to just say how to get body confident. I'm no professional but I hope it helps.

Let's start with I'm not totally confident about my body either. I don't have the 'perfect' body nor does anyone else.

If you're sad that you don't have the 'perfect' body, DON'T be. Because everything you see in posters and photos and models, WHATEVER, most of these people have been Phototshopped, and you probably already know this and you want to 'believe' it but you can't. Hmm..that didn't make sense. Anyways, people like models have dieticians, and whatever other professional people out there do to keep bodies slim. Obviously, we're not models (unless you are one) and we don't live in a perfect world.

If you're scared to show your body when you're swimming (well WHO doesn't?), just think that you'd rather spend your day having the time of your life rather than worrying about what other people think about you. THEY sure aren't going to spend their whole day staring at you and your body with your swimsuit/bikini on and critisize every single little detail that's wrong with your body. They'd rather be swimming or doing their own business than worry about how another person looks. Hell, it doesn't matter to them. AND hell, they're not going to come over and say 'HEY YOU! YOUR ASS IS SAGGY'. So go and enjoy your life rather than trying to live up to other people's expectations.

You're scared to change in the change rooms with everyone looking on:
GIRL, get a grip. Everyone's busy trying to put on their OWN clothes rather than to look at your boobies, or your body or WHATEVER. They're trying to put on their clothes without showing their panties WHATEVER. Whatever the reason you feel insecure, you shouldn't. Just remind yourself that no one's looking. And trust me, if they are looking they won't have any thoughts. They're eyes will just pass over you and look at something else.

Try to eat healthy to feel great. Eating junk food and filling yourself up with things that aren't healthy is just going to make you feel worse about yourself and how you look. Exercise will help you feel better too. Not only the chemicals in exercise will make you happy, but also the fact that you're losing that extra cookie you ate is an extra.

The bottom line is: NO ONE IS PERFECT. Everyone comes in different sizes, shapes and this is what makes everyone unique. If you can't understand that (or you WANT to believe it but then you say BUT...blahblahblah) THEN GET THE WORDS IN YOUR MIND. Why waste your time? Looking at your body in the mirror and analyzing each part you hate is not doing any good. Instead of looking at your “big arms”, be thankful you actually have two full-functioning arms. Be THANKFUL you have a healthy body and drill it into your head that nobody is perfect. There is so much more important things to worry about in the world than your jiggly butt on the beach. I mean honestly. Just because someone else looks like that, doesn't mean you have to look like that as well. I mean, who wants to have twin bodies with another? Be unique and get CONFIDENT.

I hope this helped and yes, if it didn't (since there wasn't much advice but just preaching lol) just keep in mind that 'Nobody is perfect'.

Michelle xx