Tuesday 7 June 2011

Update No. 10 - Happy Chinese Festival :)

Hey guys,

Zhong zi; have you guys eaten yours yet? :P
 So if you're Chinese, you probably know that yesterday was the Chinese Festival. I didn't write a post on it yesterday because I forgot I didn't celebrate yesterday, I actually celebrated it for about 10 minutes this morning by eating "zhong zi" for brekkie :)

At school today, I prepared my script for Drama Day which is a day at school where you perform a play for a specific theme. The theme this year for Year 9 is 'Passion and Love' based on Romeo and Juliet. It's next week Wednesday which is crazyyy since we have to remember our lines AND write the script and blah blah blah by then. Tomorrow, we have the Science ICAS exam which isn't bad since I don't really care for it. Last year, I believe I got credit which is like around a grade C lol.

I have to present my history assignment tomorrow which comes with the powerpoint presentation or something. So boring.

Michelle xx

P.S. Happy Chinese Festival which I'm sure I've already said.

How'd you guys celebrate Chinese Festival (unless you're not Chinese and you didn't of course or you were like me ;))? Leave a comment below :)

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