Saturday 11 June 2011

Update No. 13 - Athletics Carnival (:

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday OR on Friday so I'll fill you guys in on what happened.

On Friday:
So today (well not TODAY TODAY but that day), I went to my school's athletics carnival and Julia ( and me both competed in the 400m and 800m races. The 400m was the most tiring and I came....not telling. Heh. But for 800m I came 5th which isn't bad...I hope. Julia and I actually made a video on her camera that day but for some reason they aren't showing on her computer when she connected the camera to her laptop which is strange. Maybe it's the formatting that the computer can't read. Strange.

 After the athletics carnival I went home and I read 'Illusions by Aprilynne Pike' which is similar to Twilight; probably inspired, and it's a series about faeries. Not fairies but faeries. It's really interesting. I recommend it. So far my sister and I are collecting the whole series but now I'm waiting for the next one since I've finished the last 3 (including this one). The previous three were (in order) - Wings:

And Spells:

I highly recommend these books if you like love trianges, fantasy and a bit of action and violence. Not really a review but a recommendation.

On Saturday:
Went grocery shopping like I do every Saturday. Didn't do much. Uh..discussed the commerce project with Julia and Bob (I hope he won't kill me for mentioning his name? - Julia comment if he does :O). We don't know when we're actually filming (like specific date) but sometime in the holidays once Julia is back from Singapore.

Doing my homework. I really need to remember my parts for my Drama Day thing so I'll be doing that today and tomorrow. I've already finished my maths homework and still got to do my commerce, elective history and Japanese homework. So back to work now. I'll update you guys later (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx


  1. Ohhh! So this is the book you were talking about. Don't think Bob would care cause plently of Bob's in the world, lol.

  2. Hahahhaa oks. (: and yeah. I've finally finished the book today. Pretty darn good I'd say. ;)
