Saturday 18 June 2011

Update No. 16 - Nothing new :P

Hey guys,

I can't believe that I didn't post for about 2 days. But really; I didn't have much to say but: today was the same. Lol. So I'll update you guys now. Why do I keep calling you guys???

On Thursday I REALLY didn't do anything different but go to school and nothing really stood out to me.

On Friday, pretty much the same....OH I ate Callipo with Julia ( since she didn't want to eat it by herself. Now that I think about it, WHAT THE HECK? lol.

Mini Callippo anyone?
Today (:
I went shopping, as usual. You probably know this already if you've followed me for a long time which probably is only Julia..How sad. Lol.

Uhmm...I got an A4 5-Subject Notebook which I got in Purple since Julia has a pink one (because she's Julia :P) and I didn't want them to get mixed up, an A5 Notebook (yeah I know Julia; I'm copying you..if you don't mind???) in Blue since Julia also has a pink one, a pen holder in Black from Typo for my paintbrushes (inside joke) with some uhmm...girl things.

OH. I also had a Chinese test today from Chinese school. Obviously it was easy but I don't know what I got yet. :O So I'll tell you guys probably next week which is the last week of the Term for lessons. (:

Apparently one of my family friends are coming over for dinner so I'll have to go soon to greet them. They haven't arrived.

Tomorrow is planned that I'm going to Julia's place for commerce project so I'll let you guys know how that goes (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx


  1. LOL - I'm thinking what the heck too! And of course I don't mind! What the heck to that as well! Paintbrush holder? I know what you mean. =P xx

  2. Hehe. Of course you know what paintbrush holder ;) Read the last paragraph ;)
