Monday 20 June 2011

Update No. 17 - Commerce Project

Hey guys,

So you probably know that I went to Julia's place yesterday for Commerce project. Lemme tell you I forgot my camera ): And that sucked because Julia's camera can't take videos, well it can but it doesn't show up on the laptop/computer. So we scrapped that idea so we decided to polish up our script. And brainstormed more since we're not allowed to do any more work during class time because the commerce teacher got pissed that the class wasn't actually working on their much for that. So we brainstormed for ages and then we got kinda distracted and wanted to go shopping...I know we are such DORKS. Lol. So we were meant to go window shopping.....Oh wells. Lol

Here's what I got:

Altogether (:

That's not all of it since there was this food thing but my family and I ate it, so no picture. ): Sorry. But it was delicious and I found a picture on Google:

It's called Sachima in Mandarin, but it's some Cantonese dessert. Try it!

 The items that I bought separately:

A Brush (:

Blush (:

Liquid Eyeliner (:
That's pretty much it. So I'll end with one picture that I took on Saturday:

Thanks for looking up my nostrils (:
Until next time,
Michelle xx


  1. Cute nostrils =P And the lighting for your pictures looks really pretty!

  2. Lollies, thank you (: And the lighting is actually my table since I took it while I was typing up the post :P
