Friday 24 June 2011

Update No. 22 - Music Workshop

Hey guys,

So today, I had this music workshop at school today since I'm in a music emsemble. This time (compared to last year's one), the workshop ended at normal school time rather than past school time which was cool to me. That meant it was cheaper this time. Double-win; get to go home early and also cheaper. :P Uhmm..the music workshop is where the music people get to have rehearsals with their emsembles and have a session of learning how to de-stress before a performance. At the end, we would have the traditional 'Drum Circle' where everyone forms a circle with all the percussion instruments near the centre with everyone to have one. There would be this man in the middle which 'creates' music for us to follow and it's really fun. If you have a drum/instrument to play. :P So we swap around half way through so we can change and have a turn each. So I got to have a turn on the swap.

I didn't take any pictures unfortunately. But we had pizza for lunch. It was Eagle Boys Pizza and my friend and I shared a pizza so we ate A HALF. We must be some big eaters. :P We got the Hawaiian which was cool with me. It was YUMMY. Probably making you guys hungry just thinking about it so I'll stop about food.

After lunch, we went to rehearse for 2 hours non-stop. That was tiring but fun. Uhmm....after that, we did 'Drum Circle' which I've already explained the concept of.

When I came home this afternoon apparently the cat vomited on the floor and part of my chair. So my sister had to clean it up since I hadn't come home by then. So when I did come home, I had to disinfect the floor because having vomit bacteria is gross. Lol.

Later this evening, I was feeding my cat's dinner when he got distracted and ran outside to see something. And I got curious so I looked and I kinda saw another cat's face. So I was like.. '?' and walked outside and this FAT UGLY RETARDED cat ran away as soon as I got outside. It probably comes every now and again to steal some of my cat's food since I always see his bowl empty. I feel so pissed at that cat. GO GET YOUR OWN. >(

Anyways, that was my day. Hopefully your weekend will be great.

Until next time,
Michelle xx


  1. HAHA - Fat ugly retarded cat? Nice description =P I hope Music Workshop was cool - I think it was, by your post, lol. xx

  2. It was pretty fun (: And yes it was truly FAT UGLY RETARDED. Lollies. xx
