Thursday 30 June 2011

Update No. 26 - Weirdest Dream EVER

Hey guys,

OMG YESTERDAY NIGHT (NOT LAST NIGHT) I HAD THE WEIRDEST DREAM EVER!! IN MY LIFE. I SWEAR. It was about the weirdest topic ever and it must be side effect of Alisa telling Julia ( what Ms McKay told them about childbirth.

Anyways, in my dream I was pregnant and there wasn't anyone there when 'it' was coming out. So I was screaming 'Mummy! Mummy!' but my mum wasn't there. So Julia and Alisa came along and took me to the 'hospital' by Julia holding my head and Alisa holding my legs.

So then they took me to the 'hospital' but in my dream it was a temple. And the temple had heaps of rooms but they were all empty. So they took me to a room with heaps of bunk beds with red bedsheets. I asked them: 'Why are the bed sheets red?' And Julia said: 'This is where people give birth' and Alisa added: 'And there's a lot of blood loss.'

And then I waited for a while and I remember having a lot of pain. And I was screaming: 'I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GIVE BIRTH! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO ):' But they just said: 'Just scream low pitched and everything will be fine.' So I was screaming like a man and when the 'father' arrived, the baby came out. Then I woke up.

The thing that Alisa told Julia and I was that if you scream low-pitched while giving birth, your diaphram will help you push the baby out, whereas if you scream high-pitched, you'll have a really painful birth.

Anyways, just thought it was interesting enough to tell you guys (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx