Saturday 25 June 2011

Update No. 23 - More shopping and emailing

Hey guys,

So today was my last Chinese school lesson for Term 2. We have 3 weeks holidays, but for school, we have 2 weeks. So one more school week to go/ 5 days to go!! So happy.

This morning, I decided to clean part of my bookcase to make room for more moo (only Julia would get that lol) otherwise known as other crap. And I packed for school and wrote a shopping list.

So today I bought some groceries and stuff. I went to Target and grabbed 3 nail polishes. Well, two of them were meant to be $5.95 but it was $5 off so I got each of them for $0.95. But the round one was full price which was $7.95. I haven't tried any but I hope they are good. Lol.

Here's a picture of them next to each other:

Lined up neatly next to each other ;)
I also got some hairties from Woolies but I have no idea where my mum put them at the moment so I don't have a picture of them. But they are brown. :P

So that was what I did today. I'm still reading 'Matched'. So far it's pretty interesting but not SO interesting I can't live without it :P

Until next time,
Michelle xx


  1. LOL - MOO! Your lighting always looks so pretty - I'm envious! The sparkly pink one (I think?) looks nice. Obviously, cause it looks pink. Haha. x

  2. Thank you. Like I said, it's just my table with my table light on :P And it just happened to shine from the corner :P It's kinda pink. In real life it's pinkey purpley :) xx
