Sunday 5 June 2011

Update No. 9 - School...again :/

Hey guys,

Well, my blog is growing now with more posts and tags as you can see.

Today at school, nothing really special happened. I can say that Julia and my commerce project idea is starting to grow and we're starting to write the draft of how the video would be like. Next, we need to write the script, if there is any talking I mean. lol.

Thank you to Oliver ( for giving us a gun (it's fake so don't worry lol) and sorry, I can't take a picture of it since I don't know if he even wants a picture of his gun on blogger and there isn't any light in the whole house since my dad's fixing it.

Well this is going to be one extremely short post compared to my recent long ones, and no I'm not watching Insidious anymore, since the time slot didn't fit with any of my friend's schedule's and I'm too chicken now so there won't be a review on that anymore. But when more movies come out, I'll definitely tell you guys and it might have plenty of spoilers in it. Ha.

Until next time,
Michelle xx

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