Thursday 30 June 2011

Update No. 29 - HOLIDAYS !

Hey guys,

IT'S FINALLY THE HOLIDAYS :D. I feel so relieved but disappointed at the same time since I know that the holidays are going to pass really quickly. But it means more pictures/photos for you guys. (:

I'll just like to say hi to Grace and Jane which will hopefully look at this post sometime today or in the holidays (:

Today at lunch I had a beef burger and I took some photos before I finished the whole thing. I bought it at my school canteen for $5 but it was massive and I was really full after. It looks like junk food but it was really nice to eat ;P Some junk food here and there doesn't matter. :P

Excuse the bite marks since I JUST remembered to take some pictures of it after I bit into it a couple of times. Sorry ):

In history today we watched a movie named 'Paradise Road' which is a great movie and a bit graphic. After all, it's rated M :P Review coming soon. (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx

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