Thursday 30 June 2011

Update No. 28 - ONE MORE DAY TO GO!

Hey guys,

So today was a nice day. I signed up for 40-Hour Famine which is an event where you have to give up something for 40 hours which would take place on the 19th of August till 12PM on the 21st of August. I'm just gathering sponsers right now (: I'll let you know the outcome. I'm giving up food again this year. (:

Uhmm..I bought two bars of chocolate from Fundraiser sellers. These ones are really cheap. I bought both at $2.50 each and they are massive. Not as big as the supermarket ones but they aren't that massive. Lol.


At lunch today, my friend Alisa (she has no Blogger - so you guys can't stalk her. I'm just kidding but she really doesn't have blogger :P) had croissants from her French breakfast and she wrapped one for her sister. And I thought it looked cute so I took some pictures of that as well. She used a stapler to staple the top if you're wondering why it's holding up so well. :P

That's her stapler next to it. I just thought this picture had a better angle. :P
  Don't you think it's a spitting image of a pork bun? You know...the CHINESE ones? :P
So I forgot to mention that the girl that gave me the keyrings (Original post:, also gave me GUM (:

Picture of it:

I haven't tried it yet, so it's unopened. But my sister got one as well and she tried it and said it's really good and yummy tasting. Can't wait to try it out but I need to finish my 5 Gum first :P

I also forgot to mention that I have this really cute looking electric hot water bottle that my sister and I share to warm up our beds at night.


Ain't it CUTE?!

But it's just a cover. The actual hot water bottle is inside:

And the hot water bottle cover feels really nice and soft and cuddly. (:

So many pictures in this post, I know.

All for the best,
Michelle xx


  1. LOL - The croissants look huge!! And your hot water bottle is so cute - the head, I mean, haha. xx

  2. Lol yes I agree. Alisa managed to eat 2 in class :P xx
