Wednesday 8 June 2011

Update No. 11 - Another cold school day...

Hey guys,

My titles are getting boring since it's always 'School' related. I should think of something more creative. My athletic carnival is this Friday and I'm competing in the 15yrs 400m and 800m races. I know I suck at them but I'll just give them a go. Last year, Julia ( forced me to join her in the 14yrs 1500m race which on the last lap she ditched me since I was sick and I couldn't run. And SHE CAME FOURTH! Well done lol...not for ditching me though. Ha. I'll let you know what we come after tomorrow's post or if I don't post tomorrow, the next post.

Didn't actually present the history assignment today. Dunno when I'm going to. Hmm. I had badminton training this morning and Julia didn't come (for some reason she's usually absent on a Wednesday...) so I versed and hung out with another girl named Jess. Heh, it was fun. Mostly footwork today. Apparently, Jess and I are going to do a badminton competition as doubles sometime in August, so stay tuned for that.

I just realised that the commerce project is due VERY soon, entries close 6th August and I'm assuming the commerce teacher wants it earlier than that. If we finish it, I might make a YouTube account if Blogger won't let me upload it just as a video, so I can show you guys on YouTube if Julia and her brother let's me. They probably won't which is a shame for you guys :P lol. I'll describe it if I can't.

Drama Day is even sooner than the commerce project; next Wednesday (WHY IS EVERYTHING ON WEDNESDAY?!) and we are SCREWED. Oh wells.

Did the Science ICAS Competition today. Was hard. Julia, watch out ;)

Until next time,
Michelle xx

1 comment:

  1. Kehehehehehe =P Nah, sorry. But we're not doing it this year. And I will watch out! Blogger will let you upload videos, haha. Depends if I don't look like a freak shooting people ;)
