Saturday 4 June 2011

Update No. 8 - Yr9 Camp

Hey guys,

So I said I was going to blog about my camp so here's the post, but beware, there's going to be a lot of videos and a lot of photos. If anyone finds themselves in one of them and want it removed for privacy reasons, I will happily replace it with something else (:

Day 1:
The whole Yr 9 of __________School went to Bathurst and Cowra from the 1-3rd of June 2011. When we were waiting at school I took a picture of Alisa (but you can't see her face, just her Domo-Kun - thumbs up if you love him too):

Tell me if you want this removed :)
Once we were on the coaches, me and Julia ( listened to her iPod and played Rhythm Heaven on her awesome new 3D DS.

Aren't they CUTE?
The songs we listened to (these are only some of them):

Tong Hua Cover by Jason Chen and J Rice:

If You Stay by Joseph Vincent:
Fields of Hope by Rie Tanaka:

And some Korean songs, that I know the names not of. Eventually we'll fall asleep with all these slow and nice songs. On the way, we ate Naturals Dinosaurs and Berry Blisses:

So those were really nice. We went to Zig Zag Railway Station, and guess what? They're platform leads to HOGWARTS :D

I hope you guys understood that
After a while on the steam train (which I didn't take a photo of; nor did Julia), we found this awesome looking telephone booth:
Yes, that's me.
Julia and I took many different photos of it and with it which was hard since everyone in the year was trying to get a shot of it. We also had our lunch there. We then went to Mount Panorama, which had amazing views:

I didn't do a panorama as the name suggests (this photo was taken by Julia).
Next, we went to the place we were going to stay in (which I've already been in Yr5 I think) named the Bathurst Sheep & Cattle Drome:

Acknowledgement to Julia for taking the photo.
They're food was really good, especially for dinner. They're lunch was crap. Literally. That was mean, but it really didn't taste very good.

That day, I took a photo of the sunset because I thought it was beautiful:

Isn't it pretty?
Julia and I actually jigged the event after dinner which was the Bushdance, but it was basically just the modified Chicken Dance, if I remember correctly from Yr5. Plus, we've already showered and we didn't want to dance in PJ's. lol.

Day 2:
We went to this Japanese Garden which also had really pretty and gorgeous plants:

I like this one the best (thanks Julia for your awesome photography).

There, I got from the souvenir shop, a Japanese doll keyring for both me and my sister. I didn't take a picture of my sister's one since I've already given it to her so this is mine:

We also each bought a Streets PaddlePop Frozen ChocolateThick Shake since it was cheaper than Sydney's one by a dollar:

Picture is crap, since it's from Google. lol.

On the same day, we went to this museum called the 'Ages of Fishes Museum', which we didn't bother taking pictures of since it was BOR-ING. No offense to those who enjoyed it and to the place itself. That's where Julia, Alisa and I got out mood rings and they were $3.80 each. We pretend it's our "friendship ring".
It looks so awkward; just PLONK on my table.
We went back to the "Drome" and did whatever. Julia and I also took pictures of the sunset:

We also went around the place and went to the Animal Nursery place which had heaps of animals. Julia and I actually shot a video there but Julia doesn't want it to be placed on the blog so I can't show you guys. We also played with this dog named Jess which was trained and we didn't even know we weren't allowed to go there. Oops.
Day 3:
This was our last day and we were packed and ready to leave. We didn't even get to say bye to Jess *sniff*. On the coach, Julia and I mostly ate and listened to her iPod. We arrived at another museum named 'Fossils and Minerals Museum', which we didn't take any pictures of either. Julia and I were so tired (late night :P) we nearly fell asleep in our 'mini-lecture' on something. Meh.

The rest of the day was the trip home where we also ate Julia's packet of Red Rock Deli chips she bought from ZigZag railway station.

Anyone hungry?
 We also ate our apples that we received as part of our lunch. We arrived home happy but tired.

End of camp story.

Until next time,
Michelle xx

P.S. That was a really long post, don't you think? :P


  1. OMG, YAY! IT WORKS! Ok, really interesting and long blog =P And nice pictures. I asked Bob what Domo-Kun was and he doesn't know, haha. Not that I did either :/ To post comments, don't put 'Remember me' or 'Sign in automatically' when you sign into Blogger. Send me offline message when it works =)


  2. Hahahah, no one seems to know ): Show him a picture of it and I'm sure he'll go ==" oh that retarded thing. LOL and I tried it :) It finally works. Thanks soo much. How'd you find out?

    And it's: TOGETHER NOW! wheeeee LOL just kidding :)

  3. Went Googling, LOL. Like the forums and help places for Blogger and stuff. And asked, LOL. Rejoicing now, hehe.
