Saturday 4 June 2011

Update No. 7 - Went Shopping today :)

Hey guys,

So you already know I went to camp for that last 3 days and I'll post about that later as I'm waiting for my other friend ( to send me some pictures because I've used her awesome camera to take some memories to share with you :)

Anyways, today I went shopping and you guys already know I'm on a clothing ban, BUT I found a great hoodie so I broke my ban ): But I'm still glad I got it. I also went to Morning Glory to grab a few GREEN things for my friend whose birthday is on Monday. And she LOVES the colour green, because she's just her. So I grabbed some things that she'll hopefully like and I also got one pink pacer because my old one broke and I've been using my sister's for about 2 weeks and I'm scared she's going to get pissed. Lol.

So while my mum and I were shopping, we went into this asian shop (that sounded so racist) and this lady came up to me and asked if my hair was natural or dyed. Obviously, I said it was natural and she said she wanted to dye her hair brown and she said my hair was a really nice colour and she was going to ask what dye I used. That made my day really happy...hahahah and I liked that lady :)

Anyways, so here's my hoodie which I got from Cotton On. The colour on the monitor might not be that correct (it looks red but it's actually a really nice coral colour) and the picture doesn't give it any justice since it's contrasting with my bedsheets.

Love the design :)
It's really warm so I love it :) I haven't washed it yet so still brand new. It was on sale, and the original price was $29.95 and it was reduced to $20.97, which it still pretty expensive.

A bit dark but hope you can see :)
The birthday present I got was (I hope she won't see this):

The pink thing is mine, the green things are hers...or will be :)
That's it for today, and I'll post about my camp, and model the hoodie and the denim jacket soon.

Until next time,
Michelle xx

P.S. If you want a closer look on the pictures, click on them :)

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