Thursday 30 June 2011

Update No. 27 - Musicale Performance

Hey guys,

So last night I performed at my school's Musicale. I don't have much to say since the performance, in my opinion wasn't that good. Our ensemble screwed up a lot of it. Hopefully, the audience didn't know. Lol.

What we screwed up:

1. The runs by the flutes (including me :P) which no one knew how to play properly which was our fault. Whatever :P

2. The trumpet wasn't there. So the part where she normally does her solo was empty. But then the French Horns were the loudest at that part but they played it weird.

But we shouldn't concentrate on the bad things (: I'm assuming the rest of the night went well since I left after my performance since there wasn't any point in staying. My mum watched (:

Until next time,
Michelle xx

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