Tuesday 13 December 2011

1 Month Challenge: Day 14 - Five Things You Want To Say To Five People

I'll write the people's names as their first letters, for privacy reasons. (:

1. J - You've been the closest friend since last year and I hope we can continue our close friendship. I love you. <3

2. J - I know you've been through hard times and you're moving schools, so definitely will miss you since we've grown closer through the past term. ): Good luck in your future school. (:

3. A - You are the most annoyingest sister, probably in the whole wide world, but I still love you. Stop trying to be cute and listen to me. >:P

4. J - I like you a lot, but honestly, I won't tell you because I don't think you feel the same way. So I'll just wait for the feelings to go away since I'm not a fan of heartbreak. (:

5. A - We don't talk as much anymore, maybe I'm annoyed, but I still miss you. I hope you still hold the memories we've had together, as have I. Hope we'll catch up some time, since you're overseas. ):

^ There's so many people with the letter J at the front. :O

Michelle <3


  1. So many A's as well LOL! Only J's and A's XD

  2. If the first one is for me, I love you more! >:3 xx

  3. Lol, are you sure? :P I'm kidding. :D I love you the most. :P xx

  4. LOL I've figured out who 4 of the 5 people are! :P

    I win! :)... who's the last one?


  5. Lawl. Someone from my old school. No one you know. :P xx
