Wednesday 21 December 2011

How to Survive School: The Social Groups

When starting school, the most common thing you notice is that there are strong and different diversities of social groups. And the most common thought everyone thinks of is: 'I need to fit in.'

Fitting in, is a great thing but everyone knows the desperate lengths people would go through just to 'fit in'. Usually the biggest and loudest group is the 'popular' group that everyone dreams of being in. People I know, go to desperate measures just to be accepted in that group. But in the end, is it really worth it? Would you really want to be in a massive group to be 'popular'?

Everyone in school have different objectives. But socially, most people want to be at the top of the hierarchy. But enjoying school is more important than being the most popular person at school. It's like being a celebrity. Sure you're famous, but there are pros and cons to it as well.

Finding the best friends in school is really important. Not only does it make school so much more fun, but it opens a whole new door to socialising. These socialising skills will definitely be needed in the future, in jobs, etc. So starting a good foundation at school is crucial.

Techniques of finding the best people for your school life, and hopefully past that as well, is to talk and meet new people. I know from personal experience, this is somehow daunting for most people, including me, but after you step out of your confort zone, so many doors are opened.

Social and people skills are needed in everyday life and at school, it's the easiest way to put it in practice. So how to make new friends:

1. Smile. (: This works wonders and it shows you are happy. It'll be hella awkward if you look miserable and ask : 'What's your name?'

2. Giving the right first impression is essential. So posture, body language and facial expressions are important.

3. Relaxing. If you relax, the other person/people will follow suit because we only human. It sets the atmosphere to light. Not heavy and tense.

4. Talk and be a good listener. Make sure the conversation isn't just about you, it's about what they are talking about as well. So make sure you nod and listen to what they have to say.

5. This is a bonus. Try to copy the person's body language. Research shows that people are more attracted to the people who look like them. So if they have their arms by their side, just copy them. (:

It's just common sense, but above all, have fun. (: If there are any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. (:

Hope this helped,
Michelle <3


  1. Someone is so knowledgeable~ XD You should write a book :) :L Enjoyed reading this ^_^

  2. Lol ! Thanks for reading. (: xx
