Wednesday 14 December 2011

Update: Sore Throat

I'm sick now and my throat has been killing me. It feels like sandpaper and I think I have a voice change. ): I can barely speak properly. Will be drinking lemon honey water when I have the chance to get some lemons. :D

Today, I received a really thoughtful Christmas present from a good friend, Jane. (: Thank you so so much for your present since I didn't even get you anything. D: Makes me feel so terrible. But thank you again. (:

In class, we finished 'Forrest Gump', and 'The Day After Tomorrow', both which were good. I cried twice in the ending of 'Forrest Gump', it's just so heartwrenching. Received our yearly reports today as well. I presumably didn't do that bad. (: After all, they're just numbers on a page mixed in with letters. (: Means nothing really. :P

Nearly finished with school for the year !! Only 2 days to go and then I'm free. :D I've been waiting for this moment since the beginning of this term and it's finally here. (:

That's it for now, I'll update soon. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3


  1. D:! Get well soon! T_T drink a lot of that honey lemon water XD Reports! :L I bet you did fantastically :P yesyes holidays soon ^_^

  2. Thank you and I will. The reports were ohk. (: And I'm glad it's nearly the holidays. :D xx
