Saturday 10 December 2011

Update: YUM CHA !

Today, since I had no Chinese school in the morning, I had a doctor's appointment instead. To the Chinese herbalist. So now, have to drink crap. :P D:

Anyways, it was in the CBD and so, we had lunch there as well. Turns out we go to yumcha, in the Marigold Restaurant. There are a lot of...Europeans who love to go there as well. (: Try the food, it's so goood. <3 I actually haven't been there in a really long time. Say for about 2-3 years. :O

I walked around the shopping centre for about 40 mins alone, and saw Jessica ( ) there as well. (: Bought a new pencilcase from Smiggle :

Had maths tutoring afterwards about parabolas. Ohmygosh, so sick of it right now. D: Had to go out for dinner afterwards as well and it was nice. (: So now I need to go to bed.

So goodnights, thanks for reading,
Michelle <3


  1. WOAH! CHANGE TO BLOG DETECTED XD I had to drink crap too before :( You get used to it :L It doesn't taste TOO bad after a while ^^" I really like the pencil case :3 looks really awesome ^_^ bahahah parabolas. Wait till you do parametric representation LOL! XD

  2. LOL. I know, same here. But I just don't like it. ): And thank you. (: Parabolas are so annoying !!! >:( xx
