Friday 16 December 2011

1 Month Letter Challenge: Day 16 - Someone That’s Not in Your State/Country

Most of my relatives aren't in my country.

Dear relatives,

You are across the oceans but we still have each other. Though you are far away, we still keep in contact considering the awesome technology we have here. I've came to visit you and I've enjoyed every time. (:

You've made sure every time we visit, we'll have the best time ever and you treat us so well. You take us in and make us feel welcome like we've been living there all of our lives. (: Which I'm so glad.

I wish you happiness and we will definitely meet again, inevitably. (:

Michelle <3


  1. Ngawww, how sweet. You're the same as me :L Shout to my relatives too! =D

  2. Lol ! I still don't even know what a shout out is D: xx

  3. Shout out is just like a mention :L Shout out to my relatives too is like me saying "hi" to my relatives through your blog ahaha. Also it doesn't always have to be hi. Sometimes, it's just like a recognition and it is even used in advertisements. So like if some company sponsored like cricket or something, the commentators might say "A shoutout to our great sponsors" ahaha. Hope that didn't confuse you even more ^^""

  4. Wow ! So detailed. (: Like the way, you added examples. (: And it kinda made sense. (: I think I get it. :P xx
