Tuesday 27 December 2011

Movie Review: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Went to watch the new Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol movie today, starring Tom Cruise. :D

I love Tom Cruise after seeing this. He's so good-looking, if I'm allowed to point that out. :D

Anyways, looks aside. To the movie. :D There was a lot of talking in it, like nearly all action movies do. But in the conversations, there were heaps of jokes, which made it really entertaining. Though, I don't think it was AWESOME, but I did enjoy it. The music sounded good. (: Brought back memories. (:

Here's the trailer:

My rating for this movie would be 16.5/20 since I didn't like it as much as I would've liked to. Once your really 'into' the movie and the action begins, it's really interesting and good. :D

Thumbs up, so go watch it. (:

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3

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