Sunday 18 December 2011

1 Month Challenge: Day 19 - Your Opinion on Religion

My thoughts on religion are actually quite neutral. My name ; Michelle, is French and means 'like God', which I'm okay with, just that I'm not religious or anything. I don't 'believe' in anything, but science. (: There's always some sort of reasoning for every event. So I guess you can say to an extent, I'm slightly athiest.

BUT I'm not against God. Because I know that 'He' gives hope to people and hope is what usually brings people's lives together. So I don't really mind religion. It's just a matter of choice.

My mum told me religion doesn't hurt anyone, it's just something you either believe in, or you don't. Honestly, I don't know if there's a 'God' out there or if 'He' answers people's prayers. I sometimes pray, even though I don't really know how to, just for that 'extra support' behind me. In other words, hope. (:

So that's my opinion on religion. Not much but hope you can understand what I'm trying to get through. (:

Happy holidays,
Michelle <3