Wednesday 21 December 2011

Life Advice: Deciphering Girls' Actions

Girls are confusing, I can understand. I guess our brains think more differently to a males' and are more emotionally structured. We are usually blinded by emotions which make our actions seem really confusing. This is just advice for guys who want to know what's going on behind the scenes of those tantrums and actions of girls that just don't make sense to them.

1. What is she thinking?

When a girl says : 'What?' after you've said something completely off topic or biased, it usually means she is giving you a second chance to change what you said, or she really didn't hear what you said. But in the latter case, girls tend to say, 'What did you say?' or 'Could you please repeat that?'. Hence, 'What?' could almost definitely be her asking you to rephrase what you said.

But then again, what she is thinking will also depend on her facial expression and her body language. Not everyone is an expert in body language and facial expressions but we all know the basics. Reacting correctly to a girls' reaction is really important as well.

2. Her Facial Expressions

A girl's facial expressions are the same as everyone elses, just what they are thinking is different. For example, a girl might have a really depressed facial expression, but really she's thinking about little things about her day. It would depend on the situation.

3. Body Language

It's pretty simple with body language but making sure you know what she's feeling is usually in her words.

So not only interpreting their body language and facial expressions important, most importantly is listening to what the girl is talking about is important as well.

4. Listen to what she's talking about

This would earn extra points to a girl if you can actually ask her questions on the topic she's talking about. Or elaborating it. It shows you're listening and she'll definitely be more trusting towards you.

It's rather hard to give advice, but if anyone wants a girl's opinion, leave a comment of a scenario you're in, and I'll definitely answer it with the best opinion I can. (:

Hope this helped,
Michelle <3