Monday 5 December 2011

Update: Orientation Night ! :D

This is an update for yesterday and today.

Yesterday, I went to my family friend's place for a party and we ate. And talked. Then we watched 'Forrest Gump'. Best movie ever. After 'Avatar' of course. :P It's truly inspirational and I really recommend people to watch it. I think it might be rated M or MA15+ so if you are young, watch it with an adult. It has disturbing scenes in it. :P Just saying. That was basically it. :P

So today, had school like normal. We had yoga in the morning and the rest of the school day was so boring. ): At English, we watched 'The Matrix'. It's so disturbing but that's a good kind of disturbing. :P I'm really enjoying it. (: So good <3

So after school, we had an Orientation Night for the students that would be coming to our school next year. I was selected for ambassador and our job is to take the families around the school, and tour them around. I had a really nice family. (: I think the parents were stressed or something, so made really lame jokes... Lol... At least they started calming down. :P And they called me nice. (: Which doesn't happen often. :P

After 5:30PM I left them in the hall after the tour and I had nothing to do since my mum was picking me up at 6PM. So this girl from Badminton had to leave but no one was minding the stall and she asked me to look after the stall since the next girl hadn't turned up yet. So I just sat there. I was really hungry and thirsty. I swear, all that talking and walking is really tiring. ): When the girl came, I got picked up by my mum and left. (:

So now I really need to get to my maths homework. :P Going to go Christmas shopping on Saturday. Anyone want to come? :P

Michelle <3


  1. Have fun at X-mas Shopping! What you buying? :] xx

  2. Thank you. (: I will. I'm buying fake eyebrows. :P xx
