Saturday 3 December 2011

Update: Eyesight.

This is an update for yesterday since I didn't have the time to write one yesterday and also finish one of the monthly challenges. Which I'll complete after posting this.

Yesterday, I had Chinese lessons in the morning but since it was the last week, we had an award ceremony. I came first for my class and received these stationary things that I'd probably give away. :P Yay ! (: Not that I study much for Chinese. :P

We could leave early, so went shopping with my parents since they needed to do grocery shopping and I just hung along. So listened to Bruno Mars music. :D I bought: a new grading book for flute ( so expensive T_T ). (:

I had an optometrist appointment at 2PM and my previous doctor had past away 2 months ago, due to heart disease. RIP Terence. ): I really liked him. He was nice. ): So I had another doctor today, Michael. He was nice too. (: And my eyesight used to be 150 degrees or something and now it's nearly zero. :D Apparently, it's really rare when someone's eyesight improves so much that their short sightedness goes away. So I don't need to wear glasses at all ! Bu-yeah !

Anways, we went home and I had maths tutoring which was so tedious since he gave me so many questions for the same thing : Quadratic Formula and Completing the Square. T_T We had to go out for dinner with family friends afterwards at this buffet.

My family friends were younger than me so they kept asking strange questions about me like : What kind of glustick do you like? Lawl. They were also scared that I wouldn't wait for them to go to the toilet. Lol ! We played cards after that and I had to do a lot of explaining. :P

Today, for lunch, have to go to another family friends' new house to celebrate their new house and probably some of Christmas as well. And as well as one of their son's birthday. I'm assuming. Their food is always 5 star. :D

I'll update soon. (:

Michelle <3

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