Saturday 3 December 2011

1 Month Letter Challenge: Day 4 - Your Sibling (or closest relative)

Dear Ada ( younger sister ),

You are so deeply annoying sometimes, well 90% of the times but you are somehow cute in the way that I want to squeeze you. Lol. As bad as that sounds. I still love you, which I don't think you can't pick out that out when you've pissed me off. :P I was and always will be over-protective of you. We've shared so many memories together: good and bad.

When we were younger, you were getting chased and bullied by some other people older than us and I came to help you push them away. And I said something badass like : 'Get away from my sister. You BITCH.' Lawl.

You were there for me when I cried by bringing a tissue and smiling. To tell me to stop crying. Too bad you don't do that anymore. Now, it's more like : ' ==" Why are you crying?....Weirdo....'. You use such immature language. :P

I will support you and hopefully you'll do the same. I've tried to pass on really good advice but you JUST WON'T LISTEN. Please listen. (: I hope you read this.

Love from,
Michelle <3

P.S. Your name sounds like 'Udder'. :P


  1. ngawww~ so cute ^_^ taking a break from study and reading your blog is so fun :3

  2. Ahahah. Aww, glad you enjoyed. (: xx

  3. I wish I had a sibling *sniffsniff* :'(

  4. I wish I had a brother. :P xx

  5. Ada is pretty cute, I must admit. And it would be so awkward if Ada and I hated each other. :P This was really sweet! <3 xx
