Monday 12 December 2011

Update: Monthly Challenges

As you can probably see/read, my monthly challenge is failing. Terribly. D:

Received a Christmas present from Jennifer today :

Love the bun, want to eat it. :D
and I also gave the presents for my people. (: Really do hope they've enjoyed it. (: Or enjoy it. Lol. Haven't done my homework, which is maths. ):

Today, had to go to school early for band rehearsal and it's the last for the year. ): Will never see my conductor again ( Carly ) since she's moving to Canada. Thank you so much and good luck to your future Carly ! If you ever even read this. We performed in assembly and I actually really enjoyed it. Actually, that's no surprise, performances with band is always exciting. :D The feeling you get is really good. That came out wrong, didn't it?

In commerce, we're watching 'Forrest Gump'. Can't recommend this enough. It's such a good movie that's definitely worth your time to watch if you haven't already. (: In English, watching 'Doctor Who'. We're watching 'The Empty Child' which leads into 'The Doctor Dances' and we haven't finished it yet. So far, it's pretty good, but I'm creeped out. Lol.

Had a badminton party after school today, and it was really fun. Nearly finished a packet of rice crackers by Fantastic. It was really really really really good. I swear. I really shouldn't be eating so much junk food, because I think I'm sick. My throat hurts and I keep coughing, I just had a headache and I feel hot. ):

Need to complete one of the challenges for today now, I'll update soon ! :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3


  1. WOW! Those presents look awesome :) lucky you XD hope you enjoy your presents too =D Ngawww, best of luck to Carly :) ahaha, Dr Who again XD

  2. I will. (: Dr Who isn't that bad...if you can watch it with someone. (: xx

  3. Aww, just don't scream your head off, or I'll run out of the room. :P xx
