Friday 2 December 2011

1 Month Letter Challenge: Day 3 - Your Parents

Dear Mum and Dad,

I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I always will. You've given me the best advice for my life and you are always there. You've raised me, cared for me, been there when I needed someone and been everything for me. Even though we've experienced ups and downs, you still were there for me and wanted the best for me, not you. You've put yourself before me and I appreciate that so much.

I don't show how much I love you but just saying, I really do. (: Love you. Lol. I have a feeling you ain't going to read this. T_T I tried to give back by helping you and I hope you appreciate it, though I am naughty. >) Not in that way. :P

Sorry for being a dickhead when you've had a hard time at work and being hard to manage when I'm fighting with my sister.

I'll be there till the end. (:

Love from,
Michelle <3