Sunday 18 December 2011

Update: Girls' Day Out !

Today, went out with Julia ( ) and Jennifer to go karaokeing, but we didn't even know where the karaoke store was. Julia and I searched up and down for it and when we did find it, people 18 and under weren't allowed. D: So we didn't get to go karaokeing.

Instead, we decided to go shopping in Westfield, and I ended up buying a deal of two sunglasses ; 2 for $20. (: And I really like them. Although I already got a pair, well two pairs of sunglasses, I really liked aviators. :D

We were in Jay Jays and Julia and I were trying on the sunnies and there was one that looked like 'Harry Potter' glasses. We looked so hilarious in them. :D

Anyways, we had lunch and talked. Did some more shopping and then walked to an arcade which was similar to 'Galaxy World' and we just gamed. The best one out of it was this really stimulating car race. :D So fun !! But we only won 7 tickets. :P Fail.

We farewelled and Jennifer came with me to go to Matrix Education, since she wanted to join as well. So we got some info and I caught the bus home. (:

I'm going to watch 'The Matrix Revolution' now and finish it off. But today was such a fun and awesome day ; sad it's finished now. D:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! <3

Michelle xx