Friday 9 December 2011

Update: 1 MORE WEEK !

It's finally the weekends, yet once again. And it's means there's only one more week of school left til the 6 week holidays. :D I will train hard in 'Black Ops' since I don't have MW3, so when Julia ( ) gets back, we can both beat Bob. :D

Today, at school, finished 'Matrix' in English class. I got the trilogy if anyone wants it. (: So in the holidays, I'll be watching the other ones as well. (: They look good. :D

I had no idea that today, we were meant to audition for band, so completely freaked out since I wanted to join next year. So I took a random piece from band and just practised it. When I was in the auditioning room, I was sweating buckets. ): Made fingering the notes harder since it was so slippery. That came out wrong - note how I added the word 'notes'. :P The only thing I didn't screw up was the scales. (:

After school today, Julia and I had our last Matrix coaching lesson. Today was the test, and since it was also a party day, we forgot to bring food. Lawl. And turned out everyone else forgot as well. So Julia and I both ran to Woolies before class to grab some food. We are such dedicated pigs. :D

Anyways, tomorrow, I have no Chinese lessons but I have to go to a doctor's appointment. Then I have maths tutoring. I really have to catch up on maths in class, I'm completely behind. On Sunday, will be going Christmas shopping. :D

Thanks for reading,
Michelle <3


  1. HOMG! I wanna play too :( Ahaha, I've got the Matrix series but I haven't watched D: arghhhh, you shouldn't be nervous :( I still reckon you did well ^_^ Doctor's appointment? D: Everything okay? >< and enjoy your Christmas shopping XD

  2. You should watch the Matrix. (: It's really good. :D I was nervous, not nervous now. :P And I'm fine. (: And thank you, I will. (: xx
