Thursday 22 December 2011

1 Month Challenge: Day 23 - Your Family is Like...

My dad is a really awesome cook, and has the best humour. (: Probably where I got my "humour" from. :P And he gives the most interesting advice and tells the best life stories, well he's a great storyteller in general. :D And he smells nice, if that sounds strange. :P I think I smell like him. Hahahaha ! Awkward, :P

My mum is really hard working and tries the hardest to get all the money we need in our family. She usually pays for the things I want and she's very understanding. (:

My younger sister is so annoying in an annoyingly cute way. (: Lol ! I try to help her as much as I like to. But she doesn't understand the word 'privacy'. :P

I love you all ! <3

Michelle <3


  1. Ngawww~ How cute ^_^ Dw, I smell my parents too XD Don't mind me next time when I smell you ;P

  2. Oh good, was getting worried I was the only person who smelt other people. :P xx
