Tuesday 6 December 2011

Update: Change of Plans

Not going to go shopping on Saturday now, since my mum said that I have to go to the doctors. ): So instead, I've moved it to Sunday morning.

Anyways, today, had school as usual. Thank you to Julia ( http://www.littlemisscrayons.wordpress.com/ ) who gave me a really cute small gift of Christmas stuff. (: First present for Christmas this year. :P

We had a Yr 10 Graduation Assembly which was kind of entertaining. (: During Maths today, our really sweet teacher bought in icecream as a surprise and I ate it. Duh. It was sooo good, or maybe I was just hungry. Lol. Finished it in seconds. :P

Had a party in PD with Julia and we stuffed ourselves full with food. :P Was so good though ! :D

Nothing to say but have to do my challenges now. I'll update soon. (:
Michelle <3


  1. Already Christmas? ahaha, you guys are so cute XD

  2. No, nearly end of Term. And thank you. (: xx

  3. It was ... My pleasure. ;] And hopefully we have another party soon for electives maybe- if not, next year. >:] xx

  4. Lol. Rahul Sen? :P And yes ! :D xx
